What is ear wax (cerumen)?
The ear is lined with hairs and glands. Ear wax is made up of secretions from these glands, dead skin cells and hairs that have shed.
Ear wax helps trap dust and other foreign particles, protect the ears from infection and repel water to prevent water damage to the ear canal and ear drum.
How do I clean my ears?
The ears are self-cleaning most of the time. Ear wax is pushed out of the ears via normal skin migration patterns and movement of the jaw. Hence, there is no need to use cotton buds or any other instruments to clean the ears. Dabbing your ears dry with your towel after baths is all that is needed usually.
The use of cotton buds can push ear wax deeper into the ear canal. It also stimulates the tiny hairs in the ear canal, sending a signal to the glands to provide more ear wax. Ear digging may also damage the ear drum, and harm the skin of the ear canal which may lead to infection.
What is ear wax impaction?
Although ear wax is a normal part of the ear canal, it can sometimes build up excessively, leading to symptoms such as a blocked sensation, reduce hearing, tinnitus (ringing sound in the ear) or ear ache.
Who is at higher risk of ear wax impaction?
Ear wax impaction can occur to anyone. However, people are more prone to impaction if they:
- Naturally produce more ear wax
- Have dry or hard ear wax
- Have a lot of ear hair
- Use cotton buds or other instruments to dig their ears
- Have narrow or tortuous ear canals that interfere with the ear’s self-cleaning
- Frequently wear earphones, earplugs or hearing aids
- Have skin conditions such as eczema
When should I see a doctor?
You should see a doctor if you have symptoms from ear wax impaction such as pain or a blocked sensation.
The doctor will examine you to make a diagnosis, as there are other conditions to consider such as foreign bodies, ear infections, eustachian tube dysfunction, perforated ear drums or sensorineural hearing loss.
How is ear wax impaction treated?
There are various ear drops available to soften or dissolve ear wax, some of which contain mineral oil or glycerin. Sometimes, this is sufficient to relieve the symptoms of ear wax impaction.
Ear syringing is another way to remove impacted ear wax. This is done in the clinic, where warm water is used to flush the ear wax out. It is a relatively quick and safe procedure, but the ear wax needs to be softened with ear drops first to increase its efficacy.
Lastly, a microsuction device can be used to remove the ear wax.
How can I prevent ear wax impaction?
Avoid digging the ears with cotton buds or other instruments.
For people who experience frequent ear wax impaction, regular application of ear drops such as olive oil might help to prevent further impaction.
How can we help at Oaklife Family Clinic?
At Oaklife Family Clinic, we are able to assess and treat common ear conditions such as ear wax impaction, ear infections, foreign bodies, eustachian tube dysfunction, tinnitus or hearing loss.
If the diagnosis of ear wax impaction is made, we are able to prescribe ear drops and perform ear syringing as needed. A referral to an ENT specialist can also be arranged if deemed necessary.
Written by Dr Lim Chong Soon Daniel on 8 June 2023.
Disclaimer: this article is written for educational purposes and does not substitute for medical diagnosis and treatment.